Overcome Irritation Or Anxiety When Walking Your Reactive Beagle On A Leash. Designed To Boost Your Convidence & Give You Back Your Joy of Walks
This type of online dog training involves using a do-it-yourself approach where you follow structured programs and videos which is like Youtube but just for beagles!
This method allows you to train your beagle at your own pace and convenience, right from your home.
Unlike face-to-face training, which involves in-person sessions with a trainer, online training offers flexibility and eliminates the need for travel.
While face-to-face training provides immediate hands-on guidance, online training empowers you with detailed instructions, video demonstrations, and the ability to revisit the material as often as needed.
This way, you can confidently train your beagle using proven techniques created by Kellie Wynn, from anywhere in the world.
Kellie really understands the unique beagle behavior and her methods work!
Beagles can be a challenge, but Kellie’s positive reinforcement techniques that utilize the beagle motivation and psyche really work.
I have been an experienced beagle mom for over 25 years and yet I still learn valuable training tricks from Kellie.
Definitely the best trainer for beagles that I have experienced.
Easily Train Your Beagle On Your Daily Walks!
You'll learn why your beagle has leash reactivity, which not only helps you to work with them, but you'll have empathy and realistic expectations when it comes to results.
Being able to read and interpret your beagle's body language will help you to recognise the subtle signs they give off before they react giving you time to prevent an episode occuring.
Yes, it's true that our beagles can sense our anxiety, but it's also about how you calmly communicate and use your body to show your beagle that you have the situation in hand.
Getting your beagle used to triggers in a way that they can cope with. There are many ways we can do this, but accepting that, especially in cases of anxiety, it is management and minimisation.
Learning how to redirect your beagles' attention to do what they were bred to do - scenting and tracking. But also allowing them to observe quietly that they are safe and not in danger.
Using non-aversive equipment to assist us in the training, especially if the anxiety or excitement is too high for them to focus or be distracted. Plus, how to manage an overly reactive moment
"I have (completed a) zoom talk on reactivity on lead … really, really useful. We’ve already had success...Kellie has enlightened me about the gorgeous breed of the beagle and I grew up with them & now have number 3 of my own (which has been very testing!!). Kellie has explained so much."
Calmer beagle inside your home, is an easier beagle to train outside.
This can help in reducing barking during walks and towards triggers such as dogs and people.
Curb excitement or barking as you are getting ready to leave the house.
This will help teach your beagle not to pull you on a leash, which makes walks more enjoyable for you.
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